Client Name and Job Title
Video Timecodes
- Record and share permission 00:00
- Background intro 00:10
- Deep dive into intrinsics 04:45
- Role transition from X Company to Y Company 09:56
- Personal passions 13:32
- Cultural alignment 19:45
- Discussion about relocation 23:31
Video Timecodes
- Record and share permission 0:00
- Introduction 0:32
- Deeper dive into climate experience at X Company 07:01
- Thoughts on CLIENT role 10:29
- Relocation 14:04
Video Timecodes
- Record and share 00:00
- Introduction 00:17
- Intrinsic motivators and energizers 06:05
- Examples of impact 07:07
- More depth on D Company 12:37
- Relocation challenge 15:56